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Early Life And Ancestry

Catherine of Braganza: The Patient Queen of King Charles II

Early Life and Ancestry

Catherine of Braganza was born on November 25, 1638, in Vila Viçosa, Portugal. She was the daughter of John IV, Duke of Braganza, and Luisa de Guzmán. Catherine was a devout Roman Catholic and was educated in the convent of Odivelas.

Marriage to King Charles II

On June 23, 1661, a marriage treaty was signed uniting Charles II and Catherine of Braganza. The marriage was politically motivated, as it was intended to strengthen the alliance between England and Portugal. The wedding ceremony took place on May 21, 1662, in Portsmouth, England.

A Long-Suffering Bride

Catherine's marriage to Charles II was not a happy one. Charles was a notorious philanderer and had numerous mistresses. Catherine was often neglected and was forced to endure public humiliation. Despite her husband's infidelities, Catherine remained a loyal and devoted wife.


Catherine of Braganza died in Lisbon on December 31, 1705. She is remembered as a patient and long-suffering queen who endured a difficult marriage. Catherine's legacy is also tied to her patronage of the arts. She was a patron of the composer Arcangelo Corelli and the painter Antonio Verrio.

Connection to the British Royal Family

Catherine of Braganza is an ancestor of both King Charles III's first wife, Diana Princess of Wales, and his second wife, Queen Camilla. Through her daughter, Maria II of England, Catherine is also the great-grandmother of King George I. Catherine's legacy continues to live on through her descendants.
